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Father's "Day" Car Wash - Sign Up here!

On Monday, June 1, SLOBs kicked off a month-long “Father’s Day Car Wash” project in partnership with the New Canaan Moms Facebook group. By washing cars, SLOBs will raise funds for a new New Canaan High School Scholarship to honor a student for outstanding service to the community. 

"New Canaan Moms" will be handling sign ups for residents who want to have their cars washed. SLOBs will be washing the cars. Details on how to sign up to have your car washed will be posted on New Canaan Moms FB page early next week, stay tuned!

Our goal is to wash at least 100 cars! The more cars we wash, the more money we will raise for the scholarship! New Canaan Moms will graciously match money raised up to $4,000. We’ve also reinstated hours. Boys will receive 1 hour of credit for every car washed, and the first 20 boys who sign up will receive an extra hour of credit. Credit will be given for the 2020-21 school year, so it’s a great opportunity to get a jump on hours. You can wash cars with your family or 1 other SLOB — It’s up to you and your family to decide what you prefer.

Overview of Car Wash Instructions: Detailed instructions will be provided upon sign up.

1) Click on the link below to sign up. 2) You will be paired with a car owner and receive a confirmation email with their contact information.  3) Contact the car owner to schedule a convenient date and time. 4) Pick up car washing supplies on the day you are washing cars. (Further instructions on how to wash the cars will be provided in the confirmation email.) 5) Wash cars in the car owners’ driveways. (Access to a hose will be provided by the car owner and it’s possible they will have more than 1 car to be washed.) 6) Return car washing supplies and receive a voucher for a free slice of pizza and a soda at Joe’s Pizza and an ice cream from Gofer Ice Cream.🍕 We are not using the Event Calendar for sign ups for this event. To participate, please click on the link below to sign up to wash cars and don't forget to sign up to become a new SLOBs member or renew your membership for 2020-2021. Your hours will be added after the event. 


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